Dating A Nurse Reddit Discover Your Love Compatibility

Nurses do the dirty work and also the most fulfilling. Not their business and don’t let things like that affect you. Patient’s will actually suffer from drama between staff so that makes them even worse people. You will live a much happier life if you treat yourself like you treat your patients. Nothing to be insecure about they are jelious that you have what they want, people talk about what they think about. It’s true, many nurses marry doctors.

Professional Focus

You can show her the pros and cons, pro – get to live in different parts of the country temporarily, which otherwise you would’ve never done. Get to work in different cities, meet new people, try new things, experience a different culture. Cons – you have to pick up your life and move every few years. Ultimately she has to decide if the relationship is important enough to make those sacrifices. Got to experience different foods, different culture, different whether.

Your job may take a back seat because a doctor’s hours & sick patients will come first. You WILL do a lot of things by yourself. This is probably one of the more obvious reasons when you’re dating a doctor. There’s an emergency room available 24/7 that’s designed to cater to anyone who’s needing any medical emergencies at any time of the day. And yes, that includes when you’re at a date with your partner or sleeping beside him comfortably at 2 in the morning.

Basically most professions that have an abundance of women. It would be a stretch to correlate personality traits to race. They are saying that nurses are caty for the most part. Doesn’t take a genius to correlate things. It’s like working with high school mean girls.

Meeting Single Doctors Online

I like explaining it that way to people, and I’ve found that for the most part it is quite useful. And of course this will wax/wane every single month, new rotation, etc.. As doctors are intelligent and often passionate about their work, dating a doctor can be a wonderful experience. However, there are certain challenges that come with dating a medical professional. Spending time together can be difficult as doctors schedules are erratic. Try to be understanding that their plans will often change.

On a real note, the guy probably likes you and wants to know you better. Dont let these nasty comments get to you! Whatever you do in life people will always criticize it so do what you want and fuck these people. Relive the stress of your jobs just for a little while. One of my daughter’s friend’s parents were a doctor nurse couple. The nicest kindest people you would ever want to meet and very happily married.

You were wrong to repeatedly ask the same questions when it was clear she didn’t know and so it just comes across really badly. You’ve interpreted her not coming to you later as something frustrating or perhaps unprofessional. It could have been that she nearly had to go home sick a few hours earlier after your first conversation due to how upset she was after you left. I’m just saying there’s two perspectives and you don’t know what was going on in her head. That’s why I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. No longer a list of jobs and one bleep with it – every single job flagged individually.

No nurse is going to be able to tell you that anyway… Try it again – with a bunch of nurses that think your a total tool by reputation and suddenly won’t step out of their job to help you… Which the vast majority do often and regularly just to make your job doable. You then go on using a Datix as a threat to an individual… Who was dutifully doing an ECG she was almost certainly asked to do – helping both you and the patient get timely care and results.

Last year I decided to ignore them and started to date my coworker, and it’s been the best decision of my life. Now I’m engaged and living with him. It made me realize a lot of them are very miserable maybe it’s their hormones. As long as you both are professional at work I don’t see a problem. Fun fact, women who were bullies and mean to others often go into nursing because of the power imbalance between nurses and patients. Fuck what they have to say, do what makes you happy, if they want to be jealous and hateful let them.

Most relationships end because of poor communication. If you’re dating a nurse, scratch that off your list. Every day we listen to our patients’ life stories, the life stories of their relatives, and the life stories of their friends’ friends. If we need more information from a patient, we are trained to draw it out of them.

The same patient on a different admission had received a chest x-ray in the evening. Overnight, the medical resident came flying onto the unit declaring something was majorly wrong on the x-ray, and she needed to be assessed and moved to another floor. It is common for a patient to become emotionally attached to his or her nurse or other caregivers. The patient may have unfulfilled emotional needs. Along comes the nurse, compassionate and caring, who meets these needs and the patient falls for her. And whether you’re an RN, an LPN, a CNA, or any other type of nurse there is, one thing is true—you’re a catch.

That’s what we need to work towards. I’ve even had it twice in the last 6 months that I’ve had a call and the person calling me couldn’t even tell me if the patient is dead or alive. (I literally asked this question and they didn’t know). If they don’t know anything, then they don’t know.

One of the hallmarks of modern marriage in America is that people tend to marry other people who have similar educational attainments. This is particularly true of doctors. But a new study suggests that LuvCougar doctor-doctor marriages may need more life-support than others. Where I work most physicians are married to other physicians because they have gone through med school together and have that shared bond.

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